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Daytona Beach
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its 75* there right now, so I'd like to be there today since it will get warmer later today. Beautiful picture and good puzzle.02/24/08 Sunday
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Looks like it might be a nice day to go to the beach. Wish I was closer to it than I'm. Use to live in Florida and hated it. But I'm sure I could enjoy one day on a warm beach. Sunday 02/24/08
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I'd like to be there, tto. It's 18 here this morning.
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When you mention temperatures - do you mean Farenheit? Unfortunately, we work in Centigrade now although I have to admit I am well used to it now (butl can't get to grips with Kilometres and more comfortable with inches than centimetres!) It is about 9 degrees Centigrade here. 18 Farenheit would be far too cold for me, Stagelady!
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It's been many years since I last drove on that beach. Wonderful town, cold water (for Florida).
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Hi Carrie - glad to have company with temperature and kilometer confusion. Between states changing from feet to metric, then back (in archeology, one must follow that states dictum on these issues), then working in Southern Italy where, somehow, 38 C sounds more bearable than 100 F (I don't always More...
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Not a pleasant looking beach, such brown flat sand.
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Joan - 38C in SA is fine - 38C in UK is melting point. Don't know why - maybe the angle of the sun. October sun can burn the skin painfully but not be hot, if you know what I mean!
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Is that speed limit sign for walkers or cars? This a a fabulous beach and sometimes overrun with cars. Fun, challenging puzzle.
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Hi all. Someone had a problem with losing a piece behind the completed part. I randomly discovered that clicking on the puzzle will cause hidden pieces to pop to the front.
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Looks like a beautiful day.
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Fun puzzle!
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i dont know why we have puzzles such as this. its just find the missing pieces that one cannot see. total waste of time.
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zuzu, then why do the puzzles at all?
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Hear, hear, Ian!
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oh don't be so picky Ian and Judy!!
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I used to live in Daytona and go to the beach all the time. The sand is actually a lot whiter and finer than the photo shows, thats why ordinary cars can drive on it. The tide has just gone out and the sand is still wet. On weekends there were two rows of parked cars with sand chairs beside them More...
04/Oct/08 12:07 PM
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