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Tawny Frogmouth
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Bibibo  From Sweden   Check out my page
lovely ree
27/Jun/08 12:21 AM
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Richard  From The Czech Republic   Check out my page
I had to google this one! So it's a bird!
27/Jun/08 12:33 AM
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appy  From india   Check out my page
27/Jun/08 1:33 AM
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Big Red  From PA   Check out my page
Wow, that took some looking to find that one!! Nice tree, too!
27/Jun/08 3:26 AM
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   June  From Epping.NSW

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Commomly called 'Mo Poke" as that is the sound they make at night! Always hard to see as they 'pretend' to be a branch of the tree.
27/Jun/08 5:16 AM
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   Joann  From Canberra   Supporting Member

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lucky person who was able to see it to take the photo as June said they pretend they are the tree so are able to catch many of the rodents passing by. They are a type of owl
27/Jun/08 6:35 AM
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   Kate  From Sydney   Supporting Member

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27/Jun/08 7:16 AM
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Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada   Check out my page
I THINK I see him - is he a beigie yellow in the right lower corner? Wow, nothing wrong with the photographer's eyes.
27/Jun/08 8:26 AM
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA   Supporting Member

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This guy is one of the best disguise artists I've ever almost not seen! Great photo. YS:2841_ys_6.jpg]
27/Jun/08 9:41 AM
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA   Supporting Member

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OOPS -- I lost my smilie. Here it is:
27/Jun/08 9:41 AM
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY

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No, Cheryl... He's in the intersection where the lower branch from the tree on the left touches the tree on the right. They are nocturnal cousins of the Whippoorwill and Nightjar. And they are NOT owls.
27/Jun/08 9:44 AM
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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU   Supporting Member

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27/Jun/08 10:55 AM
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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU   Supporting Member

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Oh yeah, I forgot there was a bird in it so I had to do it again to find him! He certainly is perfectly adapted to his surroundings.
27/Jun/08 11:03 AM
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Gramma Linda  From very rural Iowa   Check out my page
Despite Heidi's help, all I see is a great tree for climbing - were I 9 years old again. Okay, I see a sort of feathery looking lump, but I'm glad I'm neither a climber now nor a passing rodent!
27/Jun/08 12:39 PM
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   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK

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Learn something new every day, as we often say. Thanks, everybody, for the tawny frogmouth narrative -- fascinating creatures!
27/Jun/08 2:59 PM
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Cheryl  From Ontario, Canada   Check out my page
Heidi thanks, with your help I'm probably closer but I'm still not Sure. I don't think he's the lump that Gramma Linda sees, I think he may be below that lump, sitting on a smaller branch sticking out of the tree trunk?
Kay your smile is illuminating...
27/Jun/08 4:18 PM
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA   Supporting Member

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If the puzzle were a 16 square grid, he's in the second up from the bottom, second tile to the left of the right edge. Yes, he is sitting on a smaller branch lower down, one that comes up and has a distinct curve right in front of him.

Thank you, Cheryl, for the compliment to my smilie.
27/Jun/08 5:21 PM
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