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Chopper - on the look-out
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Anne  From Albany
Man, his ute and his dog. How aussie can you get!!
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Big Red  From PA
Our big labrador was named Chopper.
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LindyLou  From Melbourne, Oz
Agreed, Anne, and the date is written our way,too. Nice observation! :)
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Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada
A motorized Hound of the Baskervilles, or is he a friendly Auusie dog?
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Johanna  From Jimboomba Qld
Good boy!
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Deb  From Brisbane
Baz, is this your Chopper?
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Baz  From Normanton
Ahhhh, Chopper. Magnificent hound, and yes
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Anne  From Albany
I don't know if they do this in other states here, but WA have a parade in one of the country towns which is for utes with a dog in the back. I have never been to one as it's only been held the past couple of years to my knowledge. I believe that it's very popular.
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bert  From bwi
Chopper is a fine dog, Baz. Thx for the heads up, Deb... 'first time on the Jigsaw link.
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Debbie  From Alexandra Hills, QLD, Australi
You've captured in once sentance Anne.
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LindyLou  From Melbourne, Oz
Anne, don't know of that custom here, but I'm more of a city slicker, I guess. Suburban girl really, don't hit the 'big smoke' too often, if I can help it! LOL
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Sydney Deb  From Guess
He's gorgeous, I too had a dog called Chopper who was half Blue Heeler, half Border Collie. He was very smart, looks like your Chopper is too.
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crystal  From the netherlands
beautiful dog
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Kate  From Sydney
Looking out for some action I would say! 12th Feb07
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Elizabeth  From Portarlington, Victoria
Dad's cattle dog bit me when I was young and he told me off for playing with his work dog! 26 Oct 07
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Cliff  From Nashville
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA   Supporting Member

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Very nice dog photo.
01/May/08 9:55 PM
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