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I guess if someone wants to camp here they better have good stakes for their tents.
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It looks like it is fairly easy to see which way the wind blows...interesting.
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What a beautiful place. Now we need to figure out, which way the wind is always from? And I think the wind is bad in Iowa. No wind today, 7:45 AM, 42* and it has been raining. I don't have the rain guage out yet. Tulips are up 6'.
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I sure don't like white puzzle pieces! My tulips are not only up, they're blooming!
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We're in between storms here so decided to get on the computer early.
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It wouldn't be Friday (or Saturday for some) without a picture of Dolly Sods.
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Carrie, do you have 6 foot tulips in Iowa?
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It certainly is Dolly Sods week, isn't it!!!
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Oops, Diane that was an error. It was 6'. I didn't put the shift key down. Some get to be maybe about 18'. We have 2 towns in Iowa that have a Tulip Celebration in the middle of May. Orange City and Pella, Our seasons seem to be changing, some are finished, blooming. I have a quite a few of More...
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Carrie, I think you had better spell out 'inches' because now it looks like you have 18 foot tall tulips - that should be some kind of record!
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Would love to see a field of 18' tulips - it would be magnificent...if only
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Good afternoon to all! Enjoy your weekend!!
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Wonder where the name 'dolly sods' originated?? It's very unusual. In Oz to be called a 'sod' is not very nice.
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Just a short history lesson: Many years ago, local farmers burned the plains to create grazing land or 'sods'. The pioneer Dahle family used the sods for grazing about the turn of the century. Their German name became the present 'Dolly' of Dolly Sods. Dolly Sods is an area of high elevation More...
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Judie, Thank you very much for your explanation of the origins of the name - very interesting, and a very interesting part of the USA - maybe, some day, I could see it for myself.
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Judie- Thanks for the explanation.
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Thanks Judie! 2nd April'07
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Its a beautiful place, I love the flowers. Can't wait until spring and the tulips bloom and all the other spring flowers that come up. Easter flowers are up but its been to cold for them to start to bloom yet. 02/11/08 Monday
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Never in my 60 years of living in NC, not far below WV, had I ever heard of Dolly Sods until it came up in the puzzles. I find the unusual rock formations to be very enticing, and hope to visit there soon (if my fear of heights will let me!).
09/Apr/08 5:53 PM
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