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ntd  From NC
Another test. My late father-in-law akways did the puzzles wrong side up. Never with the picture showing.... Wow!
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John  From Knoxville, Tennessee
This is one puzzle where 'No comment was given for this picture' really fits the subject!
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Anne  From Albany
John - I like your comment. Most fitting.
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june  From grand junction colorado
Well, that was abstract.
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Ann  From Arizona
And I though it was my computer!
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Sheryl  From VA
Not for me, I'll save this one for when my jigsaw addiction says 'I just have to do one more'
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Eileen  From Avon Lake, OH, USA
It does mke it a little more challenging when you have no idea what the picture is.
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jj  From cc
I thought it was only me or my failing eyes.
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Pat  From New Orleans
All that work and what do I have to show for it....just a blank gray square!!!!!
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John  From MI
It doesn't show up when it is finished. Makes you look for shapes. quite challenging. Would make one hedck of a hard puzzle.
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Terri  From Arizona
I think we've seen this one before.
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Helena  From Pretoria, South Africa
Oh no!!
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DotCom  From NYC
It's Monday, May 28, 2007, 12:08 PM here in the big apple - Memorial Day. I think this is somehow a mistake because the pieces are wider than deep and the whole picture is wider and less high than normally. I've also seen this one before. To Pat: If you just pile the pieces up they jump into place and it's not a lot of work whatever the picture!
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Ian  From Sydney
Pat, I had the same experience - does that mean that we are true jigaholics, or is it sawhobia when you do a puzzle just for the sake of doing it?
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Ian  From Sydney
If anyone is interested, there is a site of pure white jigsaws to be found at-

http://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/whitejigsaw/whitejigsa w.html

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Kate.  From Sydney
Maureen/Dubbo told me after the last 'grey stretched' puzzle that she went back to it later (same day or next day - can't remember all the details!) & it was a normal puzzle ! So I'm going to try it later!
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Christina  From Texas
Last night I tried taking photos of the fireworks at Fort Sam Houston Army Base. I can see the fireworks from my apartment balcany. I guess Fort Sam Houston is just to far away because my pictures kind of looked like this puzzle, except I got black pictures. I did get little bits of light from the fireworks but nothing worth saving.
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Margot  From MI
I had a bright red rectangle when I finished. Anyone else?
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Carrie  From IA
5.28.07 5:45. Little late, thought I would try to do some work at home. I failed at that effort. Did anyone try fixing this without a picture. I thought it was challenging. Fun.. Even this wording doesn't look correct. Those little gremlins that get into our funtime.!!!
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Gath  From Jigsawonline.net
Finally, I have loaded the picture up!

Sorry about that...

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Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada
Nice photo. Thanks Gath!
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bluey  From Port Kembla
Nice colours, now we need a comment to tell us where.
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sharon  From los angeles, california
On a boat sailing somewhere, right? I recognise the rigging looking on the starboard side forward. Now, Gath where is the boat?!? I'd like to join the crew wherever this is, it looks peaceful.
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Kate.  From Sydney
Thanks Gath. Great picture worth the wait!!
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Maree  From Pallara
glad I was late today lovely picture
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Jenny  From Sydney
I'm with you Maree.
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cliff  From nashville, TN,USA
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Martha  From Clinton, Tn.
If that is an island I'd want my house on top of the hill to protect from floods. The thought of floods and heavy rain would really scare me. living there.
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shar  From Cape Cod   Check out my page
Martha, that's probably what the people who lived there thought too. I notice their houses are built on the hill. Do ya think?
08/Nov/08 10:49 AM
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