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Steps to the Abby Mont Saint Michel Sue/Ok
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Pale-ly interesting.
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Sue is this the Mont Saint Michel which is off the coast of northern France? Also fellow jigsaw solvers - do you consider pileing up the pieces so that they sort themselves out to be cheating? I don't. I have a lot of other games to play and I don't want to waste time/spend all day on only one.
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yes, I do
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Much prettier 'finished'. I stack most of the time, and don't consider it cheating. If that's the way the site is designed, why not use it?
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I am sorry that someone mentioned this feature. It is more fun to just do the puzzle the real way than using the 'quick and easy' method. Have tried it both ways and prefer the first.
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Hi all, Yes Joe you are correct. It was a beautiful and interesting place to visit.
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Another lovely photo, Sue.
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Gorgeous hues of grey, light green and blue. Not normally my favourite colours, but in this photograph, just beautiful.
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If you are going to stack, don't put more than ten pieces in each stack.
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I only stack when their are a lot of white pieces.
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I love the way some puzzles look like they are just black and white and the colour grows as the puzzle is put together - as if it is coming alive.
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You can 'cheat' doing the puzzles?? How does one cheat to finish a jigsaw puzzle?
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And what's the point of doing a puzzle if you cheat??
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I like the option in the AARP of changing the background colors. Wouldn't this be fun (and yes, easier without cheating) to do with a bright blue or red background?
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Yes Candice it is easier to do with a colored background, today's is tan. To Big Red From PA: If you pilr the pieces up they sort themselvrs out right to left and bottom to top. The field is vey crowded to start so I just put all the tops i a pile on the top and so on with right, left and bottom and pile all the inside pieces up, saves time.
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Joe, what does it matter? We don't get any certificates! Do it any way which gives you enjoyment. Have a happy day/evening
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Another great picture, thanks Sue.
Even if you do pile you can do it in different ways to make the puzzles even harder!
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Okay, you all have me curious...I will try and stack the next puzzle, so I can judge for myself.
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I think Dino said it best, do it any way which gives you enjoyment. It's a great pic, Sue, and made a fine puzzle.
(Now, I'll have to investigate the 'stacking' just to see how it works.)
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Well, stacking is no fun for me. But, whatever! Good maeN, fellow puzzlers.
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What is the quick and easy method?
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The wonder and beauty of free will is that one is able to think and choose for themselves what ever makes them happy. No one elses opinion needs to be considered, that is freedom! It's a gift to others too because they don't have to find ways to please you when you can do it for yourself. I'm stepping down from the dias now.
19/Nov/08 11:46 AM
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