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Wine in different stages of fermentation. Kinda Snockered Wine, Linda from Minnesota
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Look at all those jet streams! Good for the greenhouse gases!! (Not!)
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As a child--and as adult, I would lay on the ground and find the different shapes and imagines in clouds. When the planes made the lines my older brother and I would play games especially if they cris-crossed, a great tic-tac-toe board. Now it is not fun (the jet streams)knowing what it does to the environment.
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It's all getting too awful to contemplate. Things are getting weirder and I just can't wait to go bush again and head for the 'outback' in our caravan, where one can forget everything except the splendour of the magnificent silence and solitude for hundreds of kms.
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I have heard of bush--but don't know exactly what it is. Is it like our version of camping?
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Hi again karen, Going 'bush' means heading out into the wilderness. My husband and I do this as often as we can, while we can, before we get too old to hitch up!
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This is Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Arizona and Utah, USA)
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Is this yours Christina?
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Correct me if I'm wrong, Ian. The contrails (jet streams) are actually caused from moisture in the air, not exhaust. Recently my husband was watching a car race being held in the southeastern US and there was actually contrails coming off the stabilizing 'wings' of the race cars. Lots of humidity there that day.
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You are correct Kathy.
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This is nice showoing the jet trails in the sky. Fun picture.
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Well, at least now I know where we are flying to...Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, thanks Christina.
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Once again, another beautiful aerial. I agree Pat, great to know where we are going!
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Kathy, yes jetstreams are quite different to (from?) contrails. The good news is that Contrails are condensation of moisture in the exhaust from jet engines. The bad news is that condensation requires tiny particles of matter to form a nucleus for the condensation. The particles come from the More...
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An example of what I was talking about can be found at


There are many other examples somewhere but I can't remember where I saw them. Besides, it's still early in the morning here and I haven't had breakfast - something I am just about to remedy.
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Haven't done the puzzle yet. Too busy reading the comments! Thanks everyone.
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Now I've seen what all discussing!
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Great pic Christina, lovely blues!! And thank you for the explanation Ian, so they are contrails, short for condensations trails I assume, not jet streams as I have always called them, even though I knew that jet streams were about wind.
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And I just thought it was a fun puzzle!
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That's what's so great about this site--we get to see beautiful (or cute or unusual) pictures, learn interesting stuff, and makes friends along the way.
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Nantucket--you are so right.

Ian--you are a great man. To have educated me like that and not have had breakfast. Wow! I hope you at least had a cup of coffee. :)
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Bluey, you are correct - contrails (condensation trails)

Karen, it's a pleasure - and now I have had not only breakfast but lunch as well.
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Well, if my geography and time zone memory are working it should almost be dinner time.
Isn't wierd how I am talking to you tomorrow and you are talking to me yesterday?
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Karen, yes wierd indeed. You can blame it on whoever invented the International Date Line. It is pretty significant but you don't even feel the bump as you fly over it - same as the Equator. People on ships have a grand ceremony when the ship crosses the Equator, people in aeroplanes don't even More...
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Wine in different stages of fermentation. Kinda Snockered Wine, Linda from Minnesota. Linda do always make you're own wine and is it hard to do? Interesting the comments that the people are leaving, sounds like they'd had to much to drink.
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Good one Martha, we might see the vapor later. Mar.23,08.
24/Mar/08 11:41 AM
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Hi Linda, If you ever realise that your picture was used. This reminds me of my Dad's big ceramic crock fermenting in the basement. His raisin wine came out like a rich, sweet sherry. It was also fun when the occasional bottle exploded!
25/Jan/09 7:21 AM
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