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3783 Ducks under the Victoria St Bridge, Christchurch, NZ 19th March'10 - 10 months before it was severly damaged by an earthquake, Kate/Sydney
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What a delightful puzzle, Kate. So sad about the bridge, however.
24/Mar/13 12:44 AM
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Lovely photo and fun puzzle, Kate. That earthquake sure did a lot of damage. I hope that it is repaired by now.
24/Mar/13 3:32 AM
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Ferry Intelestink. At one point I thought it was fungus growing from a tree trunk. No disrespect to the ducks.
24/Mar/13 4:18 AM
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Little, white, plastic spoon ?
24/Mar/13 5:06 AM
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Thank you Kate. This part of Christchurch is still in 'red zone' - means cordoned because not all dangerous buildings debris removed. All very heartbreaking sights
24/Mar/13 10:14 AM
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