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Eggs Benedict - we've had this before too!!
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In Boca Raton, FL there is a restaurant on the beach which has a glass wall overlooking the sea and serves the most excellent all you can eat Sunday brunch including eggs benedict and mimosa. The sunlight and casual hat reminds me of it.
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A day of repeats! Nor as much fun as it should be.....
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DotCom - I am only a few miles south of Boca, do you know the name of the restaurant? And, I believe in Palm Beach, if the mimosas are before noon, they are 'free' (yeah, is anything free?)
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I worked a toy fair in Oakland one year where the workers got free mimosas. Too bad I can't drink orange juice. Oh well....
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They used to be called 'Buck's Fizzes', didn't they? Or is that a different drink?
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What a hoot! Working in from the edges at first I thought this was an ocean scene! (And not just 'seen by by the ocean'!)
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Candace it's Holiday Inn Highland Beach-Oceanside
2809 SOUTH OCEAN BLVD, HIGHLAND BEACH, FL 877-410-6681. Easy to miss. When you see intercoastal just over parking on left, it's on your right.Take path left of entry, pass right of pool to restaurant. Buffet room full of hundreds of gourmet choices. 9AM-1PM Sundays.$20-$25 mimosas, OJ, and coffee/tea free all during the time
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Don't remember this from before. Sure looks tasty!
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It is called 'Eggs Benedict and Hat'. Taken during brunch at Bronte, it was the basis for a recent meeting of Sydney Sudokuists for, guess what - Brunch at Bronte! It included Bluey from Port Kembla and CP from Canberra. We had a great time and should do it again.
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Ian - You're a sudokuist? So am I. I have been doing them for many years, back when they were called Number Place in Dell Puzzle mags only. So if there is a Sydney club there is probably a NYC club also. Anybody know? I would like to meet my fellow solvers. I went to a cryptographers club meeting once here too.
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DotCom, my Sudoku experience is fairly shallow, but I enjoy the contact with intelligent, interesting people. My forte is rather more providing photos for the Sudoku puzzles, the 'Medium' in particular. Those photos eventually drift across to this site and appear as 'Hard' jigsaws.
I have seen More...
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Retro Cafe in Salamanca Place, Hobart does a sensational breakfast and the best coffee. Very eclectic, students, business people, tourists - you can sit and read the paper for as long as you like and no-one minds that you are taking up a table. I like their mushroom breakfast dish. John has eggs benedict.
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Ian, it is great to do this puzzle again, even as an 'r-word', as it brings back such happy memories of that Brunch, where you were recognised by that hat!!! It would be nice to do it again, perhaps before xmas, if we can work out a date.
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Bluey, I agree, but my pre-Christmas calendar is filling fast. It was a happy day though. I'll see what I can work out.
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Ian, is that your hat he chew ?
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No eaa, it is my hat pretending to be a pancake.
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Makes me hungry, I need to go and fix me some breakfast. Its 7:00a.m. here right now and 16* cold. 01/21/08
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I've never seen Ian, but the hat seems to fit the personality quite well! Great photo, Ian.
11/May/08 10:13 AM
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