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Entrees - Xmas Lunch (Ian)
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Beautiful sunset - well back to the archives
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Another glorious sunset. If I had been able to photograph the sunset here tonight you would not have believed it was real. The sky had brushstrokes of cloud and was tinted the most delicate pinks and apricots. Not glorious but still amazing. I really need to learn to use my new camera. Then I could learn to get them into a formatt that would allow me to post them. Cheers everyone
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Lovely photo of a sunset.
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Beautiful sunset. Not too difficult for a hard. It only took 12 minutes to finish.
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Tricia - When all else fails read the instructions.
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DotCom - Yes I tried that but I am having trouble compensating for the shakes that my hand has and a tripod can be a bit time consuming to set up. It is also so complex with what seems like dozens of different settings. So much for digital making things less difficult. Cheers
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If your new camera is digital, get busy. It is so much fun not to be limited by film. You can click away to your heart's content and you won't miss the lovely sunsets like this one. Great puzzle. A great way to start the day!!!
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Tricia, I know where you are coming from! I have now bought the scanner, but still have not conquered the art, thus all my pics so far are of my son as he was showing me how to do it!! BTW glorious sunset!!!
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Something very wonderful about putting a sunset back together piece-by-piece!
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That was a fun puzzle!
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turn it on, point and shoot, can delete as many as you like that dont work out. in time you will get much better at it and try the different settings. maybe set it to auto to start with.
happy snapping.
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Abslutely beautiful picture. How do you get your photos small enough to submit, isn't the size limit 50?
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You said about 'shskes' With digital you do not seem to get an instant response, that is, the photo may happen a fraction of a second affter the shutter release. So you have to hold the camera in place for a short time after the shot to allow for this. I had the problem when I went to digital. Hope this helps
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deep purple could have used this as an album cover for 'smoke on the water, fire in the sky
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No water, no sunset. Wrong comment with this pictureXmas Lunch (Ian) I just finished working on. It was a hard one to. Pretty colors combo. Wonder what happened to the sunset and water?
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No water, no sunset. Wrong comment with this pictureXmas Lunch (Ian) I just finished working on. It was a hard one to. Pretty colors combo. Wonder what happened to the sunset and water? Oh, by the way ntn, I was born in Boone, N. C.
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yeah, christmas lunch here too
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A perfect lunch -- very colorful, light but plenty of it, etc. Now I'm hungry for some fresh fruit!
14/May/08 1:56 PM
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Ian, you obviously belong to a crowd which takes entertaining very seriously! When I lived in Australia, I never did get completely used to the idea of cold food on Christmas day, even though it made a lot more sense than hot turkey with all the trimmings. Was the sunset the picture that is now a medium?
11/May/09 7:53 AM
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