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Misty Lowlands
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This was an interesting puzzle tonight. No people. No animals.
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Beautiful photo and a bit of a challenge.

Hey Greg, I beat you on all of them. Where are you?
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It was easier then it looked, but still a good puzzle!
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The cat got lost in the fog.
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Looks kind of scarey to me....are those ghosts in the background?
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To Canuk Greg

Please adjust your 'then' 's to 'than', it is EASIER THAN. Then is used when something comes after....we did this puzzle then we made a comment. Sorry, but you write then in the wrong place all the time, so I just have to comment.
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ooh ooh, now I am afraid to write....will Speller get after me???????????????
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Dat's awl write. Know offence!! IME luckiie tto bee eh typher envyway!
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Nice puzzle. Speller, you really don't have to comment at all. Sometimes people make typing errors and sometimes people just don't know - and so what! This is a fun site, not a grammar or language school. We don't all come from Spelling and Grammarland. So what the Hell! Maybe my grammar's even better then yours and than what will you do?
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Love to read all the comments. LOL

It was easier than it first looked!!
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I found that fairly tough and I must agree with speller. Poor grammar makes me cringe and typos are one thing, poor spelling is quite another.Richard, don't be so defensive.
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ditto Janet and speller, but you're only allowed to make noice comments here you know!
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Hey Speller Nazi, crawl back under your rock. Obviously you understood what Greg was trying to impart. I don't stand in judgment of others. I do cringe when I see spelling and grammatical errors in books and newspapers, but they are being paid for their work. Just lighten up, please.
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Since we are pointing fingers at each other, Speller, when you CAPITALIZE words in an e-mail, it is the same as yelling at someone. It is impolite. You could have made your point by using quotes, ie., 'than.' Now, let's all be friends and play nice.
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My eyes hurt after that one. You know Speller that comment borders on a pesonal attack. People will stop making comments if they believe they are going to be Critiqued. Perfectionism can be a fault.
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Thank you, Kathy!! I like this to be a fun site and not a place where one has to be cautious about how they communicate. Takes the fun out of it.
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...then stop preaching Big Red, speller can say whatever they want to.
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I love the picture. And it was a fun puzzle.

I'm not going to worry about my grammer and spelling. I'm one of the worst spellers and totally rely on my spell checker and since we don't have one here - oh, well.
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...and play niceLY
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....and play nice? nice what?
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At least I sign my name and do not hide behind an anonymous title. While we're at it...From...you shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition. I wasn't preaching, merely defending. At this time I think I will leave Sudokuland. It's no longer friendly or fun.
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I'm not being defensive. I teach English and translate, for one thing. Bad grammar and spelling also annoy me. But time and place, and that's not here, I hope. I also sincerely hope that because of this silly little tiff we don't lose Big Red. Thank you.
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hmmm Big Red, that's an unusual name, from PA and presumably Ma.Lighten up.That's my full name so I hope now you know who I am you won't feel that you must leave... from ...
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Lighten up gentlemen, this is a fun site. It's my photo
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Ian, I love your photo & yes it has been a fun site until just recently. Big Red please do not go anywhere, you like many of us are one of the originals who come on board everyday to enjoy both the puzzles & have fun with our comments.

For those who have been critising others, remember More...
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Where are the Misty Lowlands, Ian?
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Loved this puzzle! Thanks so much Ian. It was easy but really fun with all of the subtile color differentiations.
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Ian I love your pictures & like you, I don't like all the squabbling as well! It detracts from the enjoyment! 26th Feb'07
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19th Mar 07
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An incredible photo, Ian. I also love the way colour seems to appear as I put the image together. 18 Nov 07
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I echo Kate and others above. I, too, am irritated by spelling and grammar errors in published venues, but here on the boards, and in casual conversation, I believe that communication is the primary concern and as long as we are communicating, things are good, imho. 4/16/08
17/Apr/08 7:04 PM
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Wow, Speller, I've only discovered this website a month ago and have grown to love all of the dear prople on it whether they can spell or not! If we can't spell to your satisfaction go away and jet us spiel to our hearts content!
28/Aug/08 11:24 AM
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Greetings from the Future!
I agree with Pat - there is something scary/weird in this Ian's picture. Maybe this thing somehow affected your guys' minds and all this heated conversation followed. So strange to read your comments almost four years later knowing many of you for long time. Stand by your views. LOL
02/Aug/10 9:48 PM
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