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Blue-cheeked Rosella, Platycercus elegans, adult & juvenile, Canberra 2010 - Bev,AB
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   Vibrant Vici  From California   Supporting Member

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Looks like you are a bit of a bird whisperer, Bev!
06/Sep/10 1:07 AM
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whereizzy  From AL   Check out my page
Aren't there people who post here that live in New Zealand? I know I've worked puzzles from Christchurch. I just read there was a huge earthquake there. Surely hope everyone is OK.
06/Sep/10 5:59 AM
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY   Supporting Member

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Magnificent birds!
06/Sep/10 6:22 AM
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Mads  From New Zealand   Check out my page
I live in Dunedin which is a few hundred kms south of Christchurch and I was woken up by the earthquake. Christchurch is a mess, some suburbs are fine, others are badly damaged. There were two serious injuries, one caused by a falling chimney and the other by glass but nobody was killed because the majority of the population was asleep in bed, six hours later would have been another story.
06/Sep/10 8:56 AM
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Bev  From Carstairs, Alberta   Check out my page
You can sort of tell that I was fascinated by the parrots in my aunt's garden! I was wakened by a very small earthquake in Sydney in the early 70's. It was still frightening. I actually woke up just before the quake, when every dog in the neighbourhood began to bark furiously. My cat that was More...
06/Sep/10 9:39 AM
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whereizzy  From AL   Check out my page
Mads, glad you are OK! Today is a Holiday in the US and only "canned" news. It's a miracle no one was killed with an earthquake that size. I expect it'll take a long time to get the area back in order.
07/Sep/10 10:41 AM
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