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CA/USA photos WAGDY 2008.
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   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK   Supporting Member

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everybody. Wow, Wagdy, that is a really dramatic shot! Great photography!
05/Dec/08 12:04 AM
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   Joan  From West Virginia, USA   Supporting Member

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So. I sit here having my first head cold of the season only to be teased by visions of sun and sea! I like the composition - having the sentinel-like tree making its presence felt by standing firmly in the center of the composition! Thanks, Wagdy!
05/Dec/08 1:29 AM
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   Vibrant Vici  From California   Supporting Member

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The lone palm...like the lone cypress up the coast a ways!
05/Dec/08 2:49 AM
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   Vibrant Vici  From California   Supporting Member

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Joan -
05/Dec/08 2:52 AM
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   Joan  From West Virginia, USA   Supporting Member

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Thanks, Vici (sniff, sniff, cough)! I know it's "only" a cold, but it's certainly aggravating! At least it's after Thanksgiving, not during it, because I choose to stay at home and not share the virus with others. But if I could be lying in the sun on Wagdy's coastline, I'm sure I'd recover faster!!
05/Dec/08 4:01 AM
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   Joann  From Canberra   Supporting Member

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Great angle for the photo Wagdy. Take heart Joan, I too have a summer cold, very annoying as it makes you feel just unwell enough not to do anything but not sick enough for sympathy
05/Dec/08 4:05 AM
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   Joan  From West Virginia, USA   Supporting Member

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Dear Joann -

I offer you a bucket of sympathy on this occasion of your summer cold!
There - did that make it better?! (sniff, cough, cough) I certainly empathize - mine's a winter cold, but I think you often feel sicker with a summer cold - but they're all miserable!
05/Dec/08 5:57 AM
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA   Supporting Member

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Judy, it's great to see your smiling face. I like your new avatar! Joan, I am so sorry to hear that you're under the weather, but very glad to hear that you are thinking of others and not going out to spread it around. I More...
05/Dec/08 5:58 AM
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA   Supporting Member

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As for me, I am a little better today. I've been shopping like crazy on the Web and am just about done with my Christmas gift buying!
05/Dec/08 6:00 AM
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   Kate  From Sydney   Supporting Member

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Thanks Wagdy. Hello everyone. Sympathetic thoughts sending to you, Joan & Joann, for your winter/summer colds! There are more cures (that work!) for cancers than there are for colds!
05/Dec/08 6:18 AM
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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU   Supporting Member

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Hugs for all who need them!
05/Dec/08 1:33 PM
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TerrierCyn  From Johnson City TN   Check out my page
You can almost hear the waves and feel the warm breeze, Wagdy.

Joan, I hope you recover soon, but colds can be stubborn! Maybe you lingered too long in that cold air watching the moon and the planets! Well, here's some honey-lemon tea to wash down some extra Vitamin C and zinc! Stay warm!
05/Dec/08 3:12 PM
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   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK   Supporting Member

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Thanks, Kay! I hope you girlies with the colds get mo bettah and fast! Kay, my shopping has been mostly confined to the web as well. Sure is handy! I'll take a hug, Gail, and thank you very much!
05/Dec/08 5:02 PM
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shar  From Cape Cod   Check out my page
Joan and Joann an all othes who are suffering from a cold, I just made a big pot of chicken noodle soup and you are all welcome to it!
06/Dec/08 1:42 AM
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