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'DEL MAR 'Beach . CA #(6)
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Anne  From Albany
Oh, this is my boab tree taken in Cossack in the north west a few weeks ago. Another one of mine that the caption didn't work on.
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ntd  From NC
What a neat tree and how nice to know whose pic and what kind of tree. Thanks, I love trees!!!
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Karen  From Riesel, Texas
Good morning, that is a peaceful image.

Our T-storms are returning, we had a 3 day break to dry out some. I cannot complain because I know after tomorrow there probably will not be any more rain until November.
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Ian  From Sydney
Anne, I picked it as your photo of the boab as soon as I saw it. It is a great photo of an interesting subject. (This time I'll remember to submit my comment before switching to another page)
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Wendy  From Ocean Grove
Wonderful picture Anne.
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Pat  From New Orleans
I have never seen a tree like that...such a big trunk. I am used to oak trees and magnolia trees.
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Libby  From Wantagh, NY
What a lovely photograph...thanks, Anne!
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larryville  From ks usa
Thanks for letting us know what kind of tree it is. I was wondering!
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Sharon  From Atlanta
Anne - what a wonderful photo. Looks like a fun tree to climb.
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Sheryl  From Virginia
Anne, nice photo of an interesting tree.
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Kate  From Sydney
Great picture, Anne. I too, knew it was yours because I've seen with your photos! I've got one in a pot. It's only about 2ft tall & doesn't have the bulge yet. My daughter grew it from seed!
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Rosemary  From wangaratta
picked it as a boab tree, great photo anne
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cliff  From nashville, TN,USA
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Pata  From Pa.   Supporting Member   Check out my page
Oh, I can't tell which one1
18/Mar/08 10:37 AM
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