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Never thought I would see one in the 'wild' - in Miami!
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Suzanne  From Seattle
Wow, does anyone know what kind of bird this is?
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PJ  From Canada
Ditto the question! Fascinating!
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Big Red  From PA
Someone actually saw this in the 'wild' in Miami? Is it an Ibis? Looks too exotic for the USA.
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Hether  From the Hunter Valley, OZ

Looks like a duck with a berret...

Maen all! : )
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Sharon  From Atlanta
Looks like a duck. My husband and I used to go to the lake all the time and saw a duck that had what looked like extra feathers on its head. We nicknamed it Afro-duck.
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Johanna  From Jimboomba Qld
A new hairstyle come in?
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Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada
This has got to be one of Nal's pictures. I'll post a question on the Easy Sudoku page and ask her.
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Anne  From Albany
Nice close-up photo, most unusual hair-do, though!
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Amy Lu  From Montana, US
I have two ducks like these, one's name is Aflak and one is Elvis, they're Indian Red ducks, very friendly
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nal  From miami
There are two of these at Crandon Park - I thought they were crested drakes.
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Big Red  From PA
Yes, I see they are related to the duck family. They have duck bills. Very unusual. It does look like it has a new 'do'.
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Debbie  From Alexandra Hills, QLD, Australi
Thanks for the info Amy Lu - like almost everyone else, I was wondering what sort of duck it was.
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ap  From india
will i ever get a chance to lay my hair down??
quite unusual bird pic ..tried to google but in vain..thanks for the info abt it.
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Deidre  From Perth, Australia
A duck with a lump on its head?
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Kate  From Sydney
21st Feb'07
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Alan  From NC, USA
Didn't Audrey Hepburn were a white hat like that in the 'new experiences' scenes of 'Breakfast at Tiffany's?'
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Elizabeth  From Portarlington, Victoria
Couldn't find Indian Red Duck on a search. Such an unusual bird. 10 Nov 07
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cliff  From nashville,TN
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA

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I wonder if the duck's bill is really blue, or if that's just due to color adjustment in the photo? He (she?) reminds me of a well mannered lady of the 1940s (the ones we see in old movies!
19/Apr/08 8:21 PM
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