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seems a bit foggy in Paris.
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Probably a whole lot more like smoggy but still a 'must see' on the travellers list. I wish I could go there.
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What a gray day! Kind of like here this am.
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When you stand on top of the Empire State building it's solid,like standing on a mountain, but when you stand on this Eiffel Tower it's like standing on a house of cards, you can see the ground right through the middle. It's scarry.
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It was this grey in Central Florida this morning,
with tornado warnings on the east coast.
11 am and nice and sunny again.
Still a nice photo.
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Interesting picture. Is this as high as the CN tower in Toronto???
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Good mAen all. Probably not, ntd fom NC, The CN tower was the tallest freestanding structure in the world until recently. Not sure what's taller than it now though.
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Thanks for the info, DotCom, I don't like hieghts and shalky ones even less.
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Check out this site.http://www.gadgetroad.com/phone-and-pda/top-10-tallest- structures-by-the-end-of-2010/2007/06/12/ What's coming is scairier yet. Where would you go in any emergency with the elevators down.
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You're welcome Ev and IslandBea - I visited that site and it was interesting, Just wish people would checkout what they write for spelling, punctuation etc. before sending it. I doubt many of those propossed buildings will be finished and even if they do finish them, will they be financially More...
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Great joke about the spell check etc DotCom! ProposSed? Most American spelling involves dropping letters not adding them, good fun! Thanks.
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Came back to do the hard and now Paris is in a white out!
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Shaky or not, The Eiffel Tower is a great climb and the view is one of the best , of course not on a foggy /cloudy day like when this photo was taken.
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Wish the sun had been shining on the day they took this picture, good one. January 29,08
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Isn't it strange how a photo can put one into a mood? I need to see sunlight after this! Great photo on a dreary day. As far as climbing the tower, I'll look at it from the ground, thank you!
13/May/08 5:09 PM
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