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Current Jigsaw
balanced rock, chiricahua mts, arizona
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Abbey  From Illinois   Supporting Member   Check out my page
Love this image
28/Sep/12 12:33 AM
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   Vibrant Vici  From California   Supporting Member

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Me too, Abbey!
Good Maen friends.
28/Sep/12 12:44 AM
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Diane  From Toronto   Check out my page
Wow! So many thoughts come rushing in! Totally cool.
28/Sep/12 12:44 AM
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Bev  From Carstairs, Alberta   Check out my page
Mother nature really does some weird stuff! I wonder how long it took to erode it this way and how long it will be before it has to fall.
28/Sep/12 1:23 AM
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   Terri  From AZ

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I took this picture in the Chiricahuas in the very southeastern corner of Arizona while hiking through a virtual forest of rock formations just like this one. The balanced rocks come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all look like they should lose their balance and fall any second. A More...
28/Sep/12 4:28 AM
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jacalmi  From Canada   Check out my page
Truly incredible! It's hard to believe that a rock could balance like this .It seems that there are more than one, too, according to Terri who was there.
28/Sep/12 4:37 AM
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   Ian  From Sydney   Supporting Member

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I guess that rock lives in an earthquake-free zone.
28/Sep/12 5:18 AM
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Carmel  From Brisbane   Check out my page
True, true Ian. Good thinking. Why are you doing jigsaws at 5am?
28/Sep/12 7:52 AM
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   Kate  From Sydney   Supporting Member

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Wow, Terry! Wonderful photo & thanks for the information!!
28/Sep/12 8:40 AM
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   Ian  From Sydney   Supporting Member

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Carmel - cos I was awake.
28/Sep/12 11:30 AM
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