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The photos that appear on this site have been submitted by the visitors to Sudoku.com.au. By visiting that site, you can submit photos, and have them appear here for everyone to see.
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Anne  From Albany
I just love this photo of Wagdy's.
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Dan  From Wisc
What a wild juxtaposition--camels, chaises longues, boats at the beach. Leaves one to wonder where the mariachi band and penguins are!
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ntd  From NC
the camels again.
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dorthea  From san francisco
Love Wagdy's pictures. I don't remember this one.
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Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
No disrespect to Wagdy and his photos, but I think this one comes up just a little too often.
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Rebekah  From Kerry
Too easy! When you have it done at least 10 times!
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Richard  From Czech Republic
Nice comment, Dan!!!
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Joe  From NJ USA
I think Gath needs to establish a database of picture names and limit repeats to a reasonable number, say 3.
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Joe  From Brooklyn, NY
Why is Gath showing so many of Wadgy's photos? So many that we frequently get repeats! Aren't there many others waiting patiently to get their pictures up? What's the reason for this?
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Candace  From Lauderdale by the Sea, FL
My comments are the same as when last saw the camels on the beach - glad they aren't on my beach in Fl!
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Kate  From Sydney
I agree, Richard!
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Margot  From MI
I think Gath is doing an awesome job. Why would you guys waste your time complaining? 'If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.' Can you imagine what is involved in compiling all of these puzzles? Well done, Gath! Keep up the good work!!!
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Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
Margot, was that meant to be ironic?
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jcr  From NYC
Can you imagine a world where..if you can't say anything nice etc!! we'd all drown in insincerity.Keep that one for the primary school kiddies.
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Marie  From MI
I love this photo!
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cliff  From Nashville,TN
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Pata  From Pa.   Supporting Member   Check out my page
I think there have been different angles of this beach. I think they're cool.
14/Jul/08 6:27 AM
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