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Pretty spider found in my backyard Miami, Fl
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nal  From Miami
It is pretty, but scared the heck out of me! The picture would have been better if I had not been shaking so much!
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Richard  From Czech Republic
Wouldn't call it pretty, personally!
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Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada
Let's compromise and call it pretty scary.
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Richard  From Czech Republic
Nice one, Canuk Greg!!
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Muriel  From MontrĂ©al
Where are her legs ? I wonder if I got the same puzzle you did, guys! Anyway, this person has a great camera.
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nantucket  From raleigh, nc
I've been trying to make sense of this picture. Where are the eyes, the legs; what direction is it facing?
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nal  From Miami
Here is the scoop: I took the picture. She (I assume is a she because I found a nest close by) is sleeping, thus her legs are curl up against her boddy. If you go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nal_miami/page25/
you will see her/it when it/she was getting annoyed by my picture taking - and a picture of the nest.
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Jane  From Crosby Liverpool
I think this picture is more than enough. Spiders are one of the things that I can well live without seeing in any great detail. I've started to itch/scratch just thinking about them!
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Topaz  From Jindera, Oz
Not the best thing to be seeing first thing in the morning! Great photography tho Nal
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Sarah Oz  From Littleton, Co
nal, approximately how big is this spider? This picture looks small, but the one on flickr looks huge!
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nal  From Miami
The first time I saw it? It seemed about a foot long! lol - The body is about the size of a quarter (+/-)This is a macro shot...and every time it moved I thought it would come right through the lens. The coloring though!
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Lynne  From Perth, Australia
The only pretty spider is a DEAD spider. Good picture though.
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Bluey  From Port Kembla
Great pic Nal, But......
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Mel  From Perth
If this is pretty - what does ugly look like?
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Eden  From NSW
I think it's cute
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Richard  From Czech Republic
Nal, I visited your pages. Wonderful photos! Keep up the good work!
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LindyLou  From Melbourne, Oz
This one spooks me too, but I have to say that I, too, have photographed spiders and they can be fascnating subjects. :)
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Anita  From Santa Cruz
Intriguing spider...nothing like it in California. I looked through all of Nal's photos. Great stuff! Lots of subject matter for jigsaws as well as just appreciation of the lovely and interesting.
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Kate  From Sydney
Spiders are good for gardens etc they eat flys & mosqitoes etc. Just don't get bitten by a poisonous one!!! 7th Feb'07
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Kate  From Sydney
7th Mar'07
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Kate  From Sydney
3rd Apr'07
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Cliff  From Nashville
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