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To move a piece of the jigsaw, click on it with the mouse and hold the button down while you move the piece. To join the puzzle pieces together, drop pieces next to each other, if they are a match then they will join up automatically.
Current Jigsaw
Inukshuk - northern Ontario, October 2008!
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Want more of a challenge? Rotate the pieces at the start by clicking the circular arrow button at the start (next to the OK button).
To rotate a piece just hover the mouse over the puzzle piece and then move the mouse wheel.
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Big Red  From PA   Check out my page
That's cool!
26/Aug/09 12:28 AM
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Bev  From Carstairs, Alberta   Check out my page
Inukshuks are an Inuit (Eskimo) tradition. They are constructed of raw stones chosen because they fit together to make a freestanding figure of a man. They are a message to passersby that "I have passed this way safely". When the northern arm of the Transcanada Highway was improved More...
26/Aug/09 2:15 AM
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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada   Supporting Member

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Well said Bev!
26/Aug/09 5:38 AM
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   Joann  From Canberra   Supporting Member

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Thanks for the explanation Bev, I will keep my eye open for them when I watch the Games
26/Aug/09 5:57 AM
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Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)   Check out my page
Me too, Bev and Joann! Hi Greg!
26/Aug/09 6:59 AM
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Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)   Check out my page
Good Morning all! The kiddo is making a board game for a school project. Together we have thought of a few things for the squares. Can anyone out there help us add to these? Pretty please?

Step in dino poo - go back two space
Chased by TRex - run ahead four places (really More...
26/Aug/09 7:34 AM
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Big Red  From PA   Check out my page

Stuck in the tar pit, lose a turn.

Discovered fire, move ahead two spaces.

Bev, thanks a lot for the info on the Inuits!!
26/Aug/09 12:50 PM
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