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The starting point of chocolate.. The Cacao Tree
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Diane  From Harrogate, England   Check out my page
Does that mean it counts as fruit or vegetable?
24/May/09 12:38 AM
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Izzie  From Orlando   Check out my page
24/May/09 1:22 AM
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shar  From Cape Cod   Check out my page
I don't recall ever hearing of a vegetable tree but I've heard of cocoa beans that grow on trees. What an enigma! (Cocoa beans are actually seeds though)
24/May/09 1:31 AM
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Bev  From Carstairs, Alberta   Check out my page
Yummmmm! ... at some time in the future.
24/May/09 1:49 AM
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC   Supporting Member

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I wonder why the tree is spelled "cacao" and "cocoa" is spelled with a and o reversed ... ? The tree certainly has large leaves! As for fruits vs. veggies, I read recently, after a similar discussion, that More...
24/May/09 4:07 AM
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Gramma Linda  From very rural Iowa   Supporting Member   Check out my page
I always thought a chocolate bar should count as a serving of something. Fruit, vegetables, protein, energy vitamin - whatever!
24/May/09 9:07 AM
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   June  From Epping.NSW

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This tree was outside a chocolate factory in Malaysia......speciality was chili chocolate!
24/May/09 11:53 AM
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   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK   Supporting Member

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The cocoa leaf is also the raw ingredient for cocaine. I thought I'd read that or heard it, but had to look it up to be sure. I haven't tried/am not going to try cocaine, but I sure do love me some chocolate! How was the chili chocolate, June? Hot, hot, hot!
24/May/09 3:32 PM
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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU   Supporting Member

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Have tried chilli chocolate...it tries to warn you with it's wacky name!
Good one June, I'm drooling!
24/May/09 4:37 PM
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