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Gath  From Jigsawonline.net
Finally - the website is back!!

Thanks to everyone who let me know about the problems.

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Anne  From Albany
Pretty flower - nice to see the jigsaws back.
Thanks Gath.
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Jan  From Williams Lake, BC, Canada
It looks like a columbine to me. I actually had to go to another site. Glad this one is back. I love the chat!
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ntd  From NC
It almost was a bad day without the puzzles. Beaurtiful flower...
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shosho  From los angeles, california
Finally, thought I'd have to go through withdrawal symptoms! Now I'm much better with my daily fix .
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Dorthea  From San Francisco
I also went to another site for my jigsaw fix. I like this one best. Pretty pictures and nice chat.
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Pat  From New Orleans
I hope I never have to go through another day like this one...can't count how many times I have gone to my computer...hoping and hoping....and I started early this morning and it is now 9:09. I work other jigsaws, but, this is my favorite.
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Mamacita 2  From PA.
Beautiful flower..fun to see it come together.
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Karen  From Riesel, Texas
Pat I was going through withdrawal too. After a rough night with the baby I did not get on until 7:30am and then came back and forth throughout the day. I actually got some major cleaning done and got my husband to bring in all the dishes he has forgotten in to clean. Don't want to do that again.
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Pat  From New Orleans
Karen...I even baked a peach pie from scratch, crust and all...to keep my self busy. That is work! Baby is okay, isn't she? Just the first few months and then they sleep through the night...my experience, anyway.

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Karen  From Riesel, Texas
Girlie-girl just had an upset stomach, which was my fault.
You cooked! From scratch! Oh you really had it bad, Pat.
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larryville  From ks usa
Wow! I thought III had it bad - I was out of town on business all day, no 'puters available, and so I couldn't even try. I'd say that's much easier than what the rest of you folks suffered. I'm only learning about the off hours by reading about them here.
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Alan  From NC, USA
Bully for ya, Gath!!!
It was like gremlins in the machines.
First, no jigsaw, then crosswords somehow had a repeat. Left with no excuses, I actually did yard work.

So glad to have jigsaw back.
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Karen  From Riesel, Texas
Oh, Alan to do yard work, that is as bad as Pat cooking.
We are so wet still here. I am shocked that it is still raining. My husband has given up on our vegie garden, the tomatoes were splitting, cuccumbers were turning out too bitter and the squash resembles gourds. We cannot get out there to pick it for fear of drowning. It is not that bad but close.
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dino  From Sth Gippsland
Well I've been so busy it wasn't a problem. Lovely jigsaw to come back to.
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cliff  From nashville, TN,USA
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Pata  From Pa.   Supporting Member   Check out my page
Can't tell. Might be Cairo? Mar.31,08.
01/Apr/08 7:00 AM
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