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Current Jigsaw
Copper Ceiling in old inn at Nauvoo, Illinois, USA, July 2008, Wilodene
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   Dorthea  From San Francisco   Supporting Member

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This one looks worst than the road over cobb mountain in California. That one is top speed 15 miles per hour, and I have seen nine different trucks off the side of the road about 30 feet down.
22/Mar/09 12:04 AM
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   Dorthea  From San Francisco   Supporting Member

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This comment was for yesterdays puzzle.
22/Mar/09 12:05 AM
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   Dorthea  From San Francisco   Supporting Member

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I would like this room in my house.
22/Mar/09 12:07 AM
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Diane  From Harrogate, England   Check out my page
Wow - I've never heard of a ceiling made of copper before but what a beautiful, warm glow it gives. I'd love to actually see it at night.
22/Mar/09 12:31 AM
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY   Supporting Member

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Breathtaking. But I'd hate to be the one keeping it polished.
22/Mar/09 12:56 AM
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   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt

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Very lovely picture.
Have a very nice time to all of you.
22/Mar/09 2:48 AM
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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU   Supporting Member

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You are a very practical thinker Heidi!

It was the pressed metal ceiling that caught my eye. My FIL got the contract to put the ceiling tiles in the Adelaide Casino, many years ago. I think they were bronze toned.
22/Mar/09 4:33 AM
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Diane  From Toronto   Check out my page
Heidi, you're so right! Who does the ceiling?
22/Mar/09 4:39 AM
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Gramma Linda  From very rural Iowa   Supporting Member   Check out my page
Heidi, I didn't think about polishing the ceiling. I was too impressed with the shine on the piano. It even reflects light onto the wall!
Beautiful room, but I'm afraid that lovely piano would be covered with piles of books, magazines, half-finished projects, etc. if I lived there.
22/Mar/09 7:22 AM
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Gramma Linda  From very rural Iowa   Supporting Member   Check out my page
PS Got this one in 16 moves! YES!!! And the sun is shining, birds are singing, bugs are crawling. Spring is here!
22/Mar/09 7:24 AM
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Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)   Check out my page
There are lots of pressed metal ceitling in turn of the century (1900) houses in Australia - but they are all painted!

P.S. I got 15 moves too! The bottom left piece was in the right place!
22/Mar/09 7:51 AM
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   Joann  From Canberra   Supporting Member

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Stunning! Gramma Linda I am the same
22/Mar/09 8:42 AM
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   Ian  From Sydney   Supporting Member

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Well done Kate.
22/Mar/09 10:59 AM
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   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK   Supporting Member

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Thanks, Wilodene, for another unique shot. I could move right into this warm appealing room! Heidi would polish it for me, I am sure. PS,Dorthea, I thought you'd lost it -- so glad you explained!
22/Mar/09 2:38 PM
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Catherine  From Sydney   Check out my page
Wow! That ceiling is so cool! Beautiful room.
22/Mar/09 9:52 PM
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pookie  From Savannah, Ga.   Check out my page
Very intereting photo really enjoyed the puzzle thanks.
23/Mar/09 12:30 PM
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   Jim  From Jupiter   Supporting Member

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Nauvoo is the city in Illinois where Mormons were in the majority until attacked by nearby "Christians" in the mid 1800s, precipitating the move to Utah.
22/Mar/10 1:17 AM
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