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Current Jigsaw
Spring flood in Manotick April 2005
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Anne  From Albany
There sure is a lot of water there, but to show my ignorance, where is Manotick.
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PJ  From Canada
I assume that's Manotick just outside of Ottawa, Canada. Sure looks like a boat would be useful!
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Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada
That must be one of Sue's pictures. We have seen worst around here when it warms up too fast and we've had lots of snow.
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Topaz  From Jindera, Oz
This one would be a nightmare on hard rotation with all that blue!!!
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bluey  From Port Kembla
From the height of the bridge it looks as if they have had many floods before, but what a torrent!!
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Debbie  From Alexandra Hills, QLD, Australi
We could certainly use all that water in our dam catchment areas here in Australia.
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LindyLou  From Melbourne, Oz
How did you get murky flood waters so green? Film type, retouching? LOL
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Kate  From Sydney
9th Feb'07
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Cliff  From Nashville
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA   Supporting Member

   Check out my page

01/May/08 8:50 PM
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