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Current Jigsaw
Frenchman's Peak, Esperance, West Australia
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Diane  From Toronto   Check out my page
I don't know anything about it. Why is it called a "peak"? Does it stand alone?
02/Sep/09 12:40 AM
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Big Red  From PA   Check out my page
Maybe Frenchmen use to peek over it? Oh, sorry, that's spelled peak!

The puzzle piece pirate was here again. I had a heck of a time finding that top corner piece!
02/Sep/09 4:03 AM
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   Joe  From NJ USA

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Looks like a pluton (failed volcano) to me. A pluton in geology is an intrusive igneous rock body that crystallized from magma slowly cooling below the surface of the Earth.

02/Sep/09 4:03 AM
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shar  From Cape Cod   Check out my page
If you really use your imagination you can see a puma "peeking" over the top of the mountain, he's facing right and his eye is that white thing just below the peak. Maybe its a French Puma!
02/Sep/09 4:35 AM
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shar  From Cape Cod   Check out my page
P.S. You can really see it if you put the top eight pieces together before you join the rest of the puzzle.
02/Sep/09 4:59 AM
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   Joann  From Canberra   Supporting Member

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Thanks Shar it did help to see it that way
02/Sep/09 5:56 AM
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   Supergran  From Wantirna

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Hi Joe . No it is not a pluton. It is a quartzite dome, otherwise known as Frenchman's Cap.
02/Sep/09 9:24 AM
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   Supergran  From Wantirna

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Damn I should read all the notes. Frenchman's Cap is in Tasmania - a long way from Esperance.
02/Sep/09 9:26 AM
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   bluey  From Port Kembla   Supporting Member

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I could see the head too Shar, but thought it looked like a dragon's with that big nostril!
02/Sep/09 9:28 AM
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Shells  From Perth, Australia   Check out my page
Named by the French in 1792, this spot provides commanding views of the Esperance region, in particular the dazzling beauty of Cape Le Grand National Park and the 110 islands of the Recherche Archipelago. Standing at 262 metres above sea level this is a favourite spot for photographers with an More...
02/Sep/09 9:11 PM
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Ceri  From Adelaide & Cymru   Check out my page
Or a big hand doing shadow puppets on the sky

I too couldn't get that top RH piece to show itself
I reckon it's a plot
02/Sep/09 9:37 PM
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