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Christina  From Texas
Good Mean to everyone.
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John  From Knoxville, Tennessee
I haven't seen a manual sewing machine in use in a long, long, long time.
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Richard  From Czech Republic
A treadle-operated Singer, perhaps?
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dorthea  From San Francisco
I learned to sew on one of those. I remember my mother learning to use it. She was turning sheets, (cut them down the middle and put the outwide in and the worn spots on the edges.) I neer have goten used to the electic in the spare room.
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dorthea  From San Francisco
Richard - Mine was a White. We gave it to a group, who took it to India. We had a pictur es the village girls using it. Wonder what happened to those photos.
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gerald  From ton
Don't let the name Captain Heartless fool you,
I'm not a real captain !
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Bluey  From Port Kembla
Hello all!! and am glad to be back!! When i was about 13, I broke my ankle (for the first time), and the doctor recommended treadling as part of my therapy, so spent many hours doing useless seams to aid my rehabilitation! Don't think I looked as happy about it as she does!!
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Stagelady  From Avon Lake, OH, USA
Wonderful machine to learn on. Great picture, too. She looks absolutely delighted.
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Grannemo  From South West France
Dorthea - that is exactly how I learned to use a machine like this. I hated it and swore I would never sew sides to middle when I had a home of my own. Fortunately I have never had to.
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Liz  From Derby
Onya Captain, at least you're honest!!
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Big Red  From PA
My grandmother never got use to her electric sewing machine and I found a Singer Manual at an antique auction barn. Bought it for her and she was delighted! I actually think it worked better than my electric Singer.
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ntd  From NC
My grandmother had a Singer treadle and I could never get the treadle going properly. Later, I had a hand crank portable non-electirc machine. It was easier to use. Now I use a computerized sewing and embroidery machine. Almost as big a chang in machinery as with airplanes!!!! This pic brings back memories. I want some of the fabric!!!!
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Leigh  From Florida
Looks like the old Singer machine my Mother had.
I remember my brother and I sitting at the machine playing with the pedal when Mom wasn't in the room. This picture brings back pleasant memories. Thanks for sharing!!!
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Pat  From New Orleans, La.
My mother had one of those, too, and I remember trying to get coordinated to get started...don't know how people sewed on them...I don't think I could pedal and concentrate on the sewing at the same time. Thank goodness for progress...I, too have a computerized sewing and embroidery machine, and I had better get back to it and finish up some of my Christmas projects.
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Diane  From North Yorkshire, England
My grandmother had a treadle Singer and my mother's was one of the first electric Singers so I learned on both. I spin wool for a hobby - my wheel uses a treadle of course - and there's nothing quite as therepeutic after a hard day at the office!
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Karen  From Wichita, Ks
My grandmother had treadle me and my brother would play on the treadle going back and forth it would make grandma so mad because it would tangle the thread so.
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dino  From Sth Gippsland
She looks so happy. May she always be happy.
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Elizabeth  From Portarlington, Victoria
My grandmother was a tailoress, she and two sisters made suits for a tailor in the Block Arcade, Melbourne. I learnt to sew on her Singer treadle.
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Jeana  From Maine
I have a New Home treadle in my living room that once belonged to an aunt. I have never actually used it, but did try my Gram's Singer treadle when I was a youngster. I remember thinking it was great fun!
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Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
If you can't say something nice about treadle sewing machines...
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gerald  From ton
Good one Jude!
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dorthea  From San Francisco
My mother used to remove the pully from the wheel when the machine wasn't in use. My brother Put the needle through his finger when she three. Putting the pulley back on was diffucult.
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Pat  From Canberra
Don't Know where it puts me! I learned to sew on the Singer treadle machine that my grandmother bought second hand when she married in 1903! It sewed very well but my latest machine is all bells and whistles and you need a pilot's lisence to drive it!
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Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK
Thank you, Ger!
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carrie  From ia
I learned to sew on one of these also. I also sewed through my finger many times as well as putting my arm through the wringer of the old washing machine, while trying to wring out the clothes. If our parents lived in these days, they would be picked up for abusing us.
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gerald  From ton
That's ok Judith!
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