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Anne  From Albany
I'm not game to comment on this one. I think it's been on the sudoku's and I was severely chastised for my comment.
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ap  From india
did you say that Anne!!!Meaow....
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ap  From india
Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself.
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Big Red  From PA
ap, he does not look like he is relaxing!! Must be on the 7th floor.
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Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada
AP: You said falls. What if the cat jumps on purpose, maybe wanting to skydive or bungy jump? What are it's chances of not becoming a catsplat?
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Pam  From Canada
I saw a book yesterday called 'How to Massage Your Cat' Maybe this cat could use a massage!
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Pam  From Canada
The picture at the end of the book looked like the cat was 'sleeping'.
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Ol' Rip  From Under the porch
If you leave a catsplat to dry in the sun for a few days, they make a fair to decent frisby.
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Anne  From Albany
Ol' Rip from Under the porch - that was sick but very funny. Just as well I had just finished my mouthfull of tea otherwise I'd be needing a new keyboard.
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Hether  From the Hunter Valley, OZ : )
What cat?
I don't see no cat!

Ol'Rip from Under the porch: I too had a chuckle out loud. Do you think if you bend it it'll come back to you?

(and you can take that double negative either way... by the way)
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Pam  From Canada
Hether, of course it will come back. The very next day, yes the cat will come back, it just cannot stay away...
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Debbie  From Alexandra Hills, QLD, Australi
I'm with you Anne - I think I've had more of a laugh from today's comments than any others for a while.
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cliff  From nashville,TN
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Pata  From Pa.
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Pata  From Pa.
I do mean funny.
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Martha  From Clinton, Tn.
02/20/08 Wed.
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA

   Check out my page

Pata took the words right out of my keyboard -- OH MY.
22/Apr/08 12:39 AM
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