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Ferocious Bull Ant
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Anne  From Albany
Who got up this close to take the bull ant. Nasty bit of goods, they are.
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Mindy  From Miami
Too much of a close up for me! Creepy!
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tricia  From nemo, tx
EEEEWWWWWW!!! What is a bull ant? I agree with Anne - creepy!!!
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tricia  From nemo, tx
woops. agree with mindy - creepy!
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Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada
What an excellent picture!
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Jan  From Melbourne
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Pat  From New Orleans
You don't see a picture like that very often, thank goodness!!!!!! Some one should step on it.
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Trish  From Texas
Are bull ants like fire ants? Nasty things. I didn't know what insanity felt like until I moved to Texas and stepped in a fire ant pile...
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Liz  From Chicago
Great photo! Glad that's as close as I'll be getting to him!
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Ian  From Sydney
It's not one of mine but I have been bitten by one - several times - and it's not a nice experience. We used to have two bull ant nests down the back of our garden and I was always very careful to leave them alone when I was cutting the grass. I believe that there are lot of ant bites (stings) More...
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Sheryl  From VA
ooh, nasty looking fellow
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Pat  From New Orleans
Oh, Trish...aren't fire ants HORRIBLE.
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Suzanne  From Seattle
Great photo. It might be an interesting 'hard'.
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Sharon  From Atlanta
Glad he is on my computer screen and not in my yard.
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Janet  From Sydney
Great photograph !
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Esther  From Coburg
Really interesting change from the normal shots of animals we get - congrats to the photographer!
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Anne  From Albany
Ian, I have a bull ant nest in my garden but luckily, I haven't seen any just lately. When my oldest Grand daughter, Kirilee, was a baby and around here with her mum, there was one on her highchair while she was in it. I've never moved so quick in all my life. For some reason there was one in the house every day for about 5 days. Luckily they don't usually come indoors.
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sharon  From los angeles, california
interesting. i don't think i've ever seen a thorax that looks like it's split in the middle. anne, i would have been screaming if that came into my home. i'd have whipped out my usual cure for ants, good old 409.
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IslandBea  From BC, Canada
Not so nice a pet. Thete's an ant in Colombia about an inch long+ whose bite will give you grief for over a week.
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IslandBea  From BC, Canada
type-o. Should be 'there's'
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Jane  From Crosby Liverpool
When I see pictures like this I'm glad that I live in the UK. I don't think I could cope with ants like this.
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Kate  From Sydney
27th Feb'07
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Kate  From Sydney
21st Mar'07
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Anita  From Santa Cruz
Really intriguing creature. Great photo!
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Cliff  From Nashville,TN
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Martha  From Clinton, Tn.
Nasty, I just hate ants. Seems like they are everywhere. 01/14/08
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   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA

   Check out my page

We have fire ants aplenty, and their bites can be quite dangerous, especially to small animals and small children. They don't look anywhere near as menacing as this guy does, though. The local fire ants are much smaller and red, rather innocent looking critters until you step on their nest. Hats off to this photographer. It's a great shot!
13/Apr/08 11:22 AM
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Bev  From Carstairs, Alberta   Check out my page
The other problem with bull ants, is that like pit bulls, once they're attached they don't like to let go!
03/Nov/08 1:50 AM
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