Jigsaw Puzzles

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Solve the Jigsaw
To move a piece of the jigsaw, click on it with the mouse and hold the button down while you move the piece. To join the puzzle pieces together, drop pieces next to each other, if they are a match then they will join up automatically.
Current Jigsaw
Deloraine, Tasmania, - Wendy/Perth
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Want more of a challenge? Rotate the pieces at the start by clicking the circular arrow button at the start (next to the OK button).
To rotate a piece just hover the mouse over the puzzle piece and then move the mouse wheel.
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   Joe  From NJ USA

   Check out my page


10/Jan/10 12:32 AM
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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada

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Good Maen, Joe. Nice picture Wendy, please send some of the warm weather my way.
10/Jan/10 2:11 AM
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Gramma Linda  From very rural Iowa   Supporting Member   Check out my page
Now this is my idea of relaxing! It looks like you have a barbeque set up, too, which means the hubby is cooking!! Thank you, thank, Wendy.
10/Jan/10 5:35 AM
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   Joann  From Canberra   Supporting Member

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Theresa, you can have all the heat from here today and tomorrow (37+).
Beautiful as usual, thanks Wendy
10/Jan/10 9:34 AM
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