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Construction, Balinese Style
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It looks like they are building a pyramid!
08/Jul/08 12:38 AM
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Nice picture and fun puzzle to put together.
08/Jul/08 2:40 AM
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It is a good thing I don't have to build in Bali--I don't think I could follow their plans and I'm sure my building wouldn't be very safe!!
08/Jul/08 2:55 AM
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It doesn't look THAT bad... most of it seems to be cross pieces for support while the building is being framed. They'll be removed as each bit is stabilized. The roof looks like somewhat standard construction techniques with a different design. I would enjoy working in it.
08/Jul/08 4:19 AM
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I thought at first it was something made of toothpicks. Now I remember my father talking about 'stick-built' houses. He was a carpenter, but of Swedish descent, not Balinese.
08/Jul/08 5:23 AM
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Heidi seems like you have either been around construction or have worked it.
08/Jul/08 7:23 AM
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Wonderful. Thanks Lori(?). Great photo, fun puzzle! Heidi sounds like you're a wonderful "Jill-of-all-trades"!!
08/Jul/08 9:00 AM
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Very interesting construction! It does look like pick-up stix at first glance. Gramma Linda, around here the term "stick built" refers to any wooden structure that is constructed on site from the ground up, board by board, rather than being pre-manufactured and assembled on site like pre-fab houses, etc.
08/Jul/08 10:07 AM
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I adore working with tools, particularly power tools. I have helped neighbors and friends build barns and sheds, and renovate houses. I can and have done basic electrical work. wiring my stock barn for lights and fans. Our County newspaper has written me up, and called me "Woman With Power Tools". I love it. Plus, I like being self sufficient.
08/Jul/08 10:30 AM
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Kay is absolutely right about the term "stick built". To me it sounds demeaning to the better homes, kinda like people with trailers and prefabs are trying to feel better about cheaper housing.

And now, for my next trick, I'll see if I can put my other foot in my mouth.
08/Jul/08 10:35 AM
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Power tools rock!
08/Jul/08 3:33 PM
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Amen to that! I'm a do-it-yourself lady too, Heidi. I'll never forget that feeling of accomplishment after plumbing my first toilet and wiring my first receptacle as a young divorcee. I also was once a locomotive operator (what most call a railroad engineer), and was proficient at operating a 9 yd. bucket front-end-loader.
08/Jul/08 7:25 PM
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That took like forever!
08/Jul/08 8:56 PM
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Wow ladies, let's get together and build something! Where shall we meet.
16/Sep/08 2:40 PM
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