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The photos that appear on this site have been submitted by the visitors to Sudoku.com.au. By visiting that site, you can submit photos, and have them appear here for everyone to see.
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Pasha Bulkers. Great picture Ian.
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Repeat but colors still make a good puzzle to work.
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Maybe Gath could tell us why we get so many repeats. At least it's not another one of Wadgy's from Egypt, that was getting a bit rediculous.
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Great photo, Ian.
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DotCom - a number of people have recently e'mailed Gath, myself included, to ask him about the repeats and he has set up a page to answer your queries about that and other things.
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is there really a Gath, a person, and is he--er, observing us?
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Diane, yes, yes and dunno.
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This is still fun to do but it would be nice to have more new pictures. Does that mean that more of us should submit pictures????
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I really enjoy Wadgy's and Ian's photos; it's a way to see parts of the worle I'll never travel to.
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Anne, you are so gracious! I just wonder what DotCom's problem with Wagdy is. It's not the first time we've seen comments like that.
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ntd, I have a feeling in my bones that our new pictures are disappearing into cyberspace. But please don't quote me - only Gath knows what is happening. I just keep a record of those photos I have submitted so that I can repeat the process later if necessary.
I was lucky with this photo. It More...
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Hi Everyone,

Diane - Yes I exist. Most people think of me as a person. No, I don't generally 'observe' you, though I do read all emails I get (and try to reply to as many as possible).

Ian - The new pics are not disappearing into cyberspace (or the circular file). They are just More...
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I agree with Pat from WA; I enjoy the pics from 'far away places with strang sounding names'. But, would like something new, Too. Thanks, Gath. I do enjoy this sight, puzzles and comments.
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Great pic Ian, and the stripes make for a very easy puzzle!!
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I enjoyed that puzzle and I look forward to some more from Wagdy...I know I will never get there and he has already educated me a lot about Egypt.
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Thanks Gath, of course I would have seen the answer if I had been smart enough to read Anne/Albany's comment closely. Addled brains are the first signs of old age. There are some more but I forget.
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